On October 5–9, the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center hosted the XXIV All-Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition “Golden Autumn — 2022 “, organized by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. At the event, MGIMO presented educational agricultural programs.
“Golden Autumn” is the main agricultural forum of the country for over 20 years, the best traditions of All-Union Agricultural Exhibition and developing modern technology exhibition business in agribusiness. Apart from the exhibition, the program included about 40 round tables, discussions, expert sessions dedicated to the most diverse issues of the industry.
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin took part in the event. He pointed out that the industry was dynamically growing: “Our agriculture indeed shows remarkable results. For the third year, Russia has been a net food exporter. <…> For more than eight months of this year, the volume of exports was higher by more than 16% compared to the same period last year — in these challenging conditions. We are still among the top five exporters of grains, the fifth — among vegetable oils exporters, the first — among wheat producers, and the fourth — among meat producers”.
The Head of Government emphasized that the significant growth in exports and the development of the agricultural sector were the merit of people working in the industry. However, to further improve the efficiency and boost agricultural production and exports, the agricultural industry needs skilled human resources. It’s MGIMO that is one of such training centers. At the exhibition, the university presented its educational agricultural programs.
MGIMO, together with the Russian Ministry of Agriculture represented by the Agroexport Federal Center, as well as the Kuban and Stavropol State Agrarian Universities, is implementing the master’s program “World Agricultural Markets” under the governmental program supporting Russian universities “Priority 2030”. The curriculum includes practical modules in partner universities, ports and agricultural complexes in the southern regions. Most of professors are experts with extensive experience in agriculture.
The master’s program is focused on training world-class specialists in the agricultural industry, capable of representing the state’s interests in the international market. Its alumni become in-demand specialists — they have not only knowledge in the field of economics, jurisprudence, agricultural marketing, but also foreign languages and international competencies. It enables them to develop Russian agricultural exports, working both in the foreign economic department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and in its subordinate institutions, in large agricultural holdings and logistics companies.
However, MGIMO is not restricted to one master’s program. In October-December, the institute, together with the Agroexport, is conducting a “marathon” of advanced training programs in the most topical and in-demand aspects of the agro-industrial complex:
Agricultural saturdays (October, 1–29);
“Topical issues of legal regulation of agricultural exports” (November, 10-12);
“Applied analytics of global agricultural markets” (November, 17–19);
“Marketing in global agricultural trade” (November, 24-26).
Key representatives of the Agroexport as well as the largest agricultural holdings will be invited as speakers. Participants of the program will receive certificates of advanced training program from MGIMO. The course is to be held as part of the MGIMO strategic project “Institute of World Agricultural Markets” under the governmental program supporting Russian universities “Priority 2030”.
To participate, you should register: https://events-agro.mgimo.ru